
Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Python's simple,easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance. Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse.


  1. What is Programming?
  2. Compiler vs Interpreter.
  3. Why is Python Popular?
  4. Perks of Python.
  1. Setting up Python.
  2. Introduction to PythonShell.
  3. Installing IDE(IntelliJ,Pycharm).
  4. Installing Anaconda.
  5. Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks.
  6. Checking the Environment.
  7. Hello World Program.
  1. Introduction to Python Data Types.
  2. Variables and Expressions.
  3. Keywords in Python.
  4. Python Numbers.
  5. Boolean Type.
  6. Python Strings and String Operations.
  7. String Properties and Methods.
  8. Lists in Python-Manipulating Lists.
  9. Dictionaries in Python.
  10. Tuples in Python.
  11. Sets in Python.
  12. File I/O with txt files..
  13. Coding Exercises.
  1. Operators in Python.
  2. Python If-else Statements.
  3. Python Loops.
  4. Deep Dive into Strings,Lists,Dictionaries,Tuples.
  5. Files and Processing.
  1. Defining a function and its characteristics.
  2. Scope of Variables.
  3. Arguments in python (*args and **kwargs).
  4. Python Built-In Functions.
  5. Lambda Expressions ,Map and Filter Functions.
  1. Attributes and Class.
  2. Methods.
  3. Object.
  4. Constructor.
  5. Inheritance.
  6. Polymorphism.
  7. Data Abstraction.
  8. Encapsulation.
  9. Special Magic/Dunder Methods.
  10. Errors and Exceptional handling.
  1. Collection module.
  2. Math module.
  3. Statistics module.
  4. Python Arrays.
  5. Python Stack and queue.
  6. Regular Expressions.
  7. Python Decorators.
  8. Python Generators.
  1. Python OS module.
  2. Python Debugger.
  3. Timing your python code.
  4. Zipping and Unzipping files with Python.
  1. Introduction to Databases.
  2. Installing SqlLite3.
  3. Basic SqlLite3 Operations.
  4. Order By and Joins.
  5. SQL in Python.
  6. Sql Injection attacks.
  7. Placeholder and Parameter Substitution.
  8. Exceptions - Custom Exceptions.
  9. Simple DataBase Browser.
  1. Introduction to Testing.
  2. Working with doctest.
  3. Working with unittest.
  4. Working with nose.
  5. Working with pytest.
  1. Introduction to WebScraping.
  2. Setting Up WebScraping Libraries.
  3. Python Web Scraping.
  4. MILESTONE Project on WebScraping..
  1. Working with Images with Python.
  2. Working with CSV Files in python.
  3. Working with Pdf files in python.
  4. Sending Emails with Python.
  5. Receiving Emails with Python.